Legal notice
In accordance with the French law 2004-575 of June 21st, 2004 for the trust in digital economy, we would like to inform you that:
Current web site has been declared to Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL, in application of the French law 2004-801 of August 6th, 2004 concerning physical people protection in relation with personal data processing and amending the French law 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 which concerns IT, files and freedom, modified, and is hosted on OVH servers in France.
Registration number at CNIL, is 1774790V0.
Legal Information can be modified at any time without preliminary notice, we then encourage you to read it on a regular basis.
Latest update: October 22nd, 2021.
MyCoach SAS with Capital of 1 604 409.94€
RCS BASTIA number: 525223715
Siret number: 52522371500026
TVA intracommunity number: FR53525223715
Headquarters: ZAC de Campo Vallone – Lotissement n°5 - 20620 BIGUGLIA
Côte d’Azur Head Office: Stade Allianz Riviera - Boulevard des Jardiniers CS 81 030 Nice Cedex 3
Tél : +33(0)
Email :
CEO: Cédric Messina
Please read our Privacy Policy
MyCoach updates its Privacy Policy and publishes new versions on a regular basis. You can read our Privacy Policy directly on our web site or within your “Profile” in the application.